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전체 글206

Tahiti 80 - 1,000 Times just because you'll always be miles ahead of me i don't see why i shouldn't try to catch up with you'cause in my mind a 1,000 times or more i've been there before there's nothing i can see that will stop me, believe me our time will come and i don't think i will let another chance pass me byi don't want you to get bored like you have a 1,000 times before give me sometime just to show that i am u.. 2006. 10. 13.
U2 - Sweetest Thing My love she throws me like a rubber ball Oh oh oh, the sweetest thing But she won’t catch me or break my fall Oh oh oh, the sweetest thing Baby’s got blue skies up ahead But in this I’m a rain cloud You know she wants a dry kind of love Oh oh oh, the sweetest thing I’m losing you I’m losing you Ain’t love the sweetest thingI wanted to run but she made me crawl Oh oh oh, the sweetest thing Eterna.. 2006. 10. 13.
Travis - Sing Baby, you've been going so crazy Lately, nothing seems to be going right Solo, why do you have to get so low You're so? You've been waiting in the sun too long But if you sing, sing sing, sing, sing, sing For the love you bring won't mean a thing Unless you sing, sing, sing, sing Colder Crying on your shoulder Hold her and tell her everything's gonna be fine Surely you've been going too early Hu.. 2006. 10. 13.
Damien Rice - Delicate [ Four Seasons ] We might kiss when we are alone When nobody's watching We might take it home We might make out when nobody's there It's not that we're scared It's just that it's delicate So why do you fill my sorrow With the words you've borrowed From the only place you've known And why do you sing Hallelujah If it means nothing to you Why do you sing with me at all? We might live like never before When there's.. 2006. 10. 13.
中森明菜 - 難破船/난파선 たかが恋なんて 忘れればいい 타카가코이난테 와스레레바이이 그까짓,사랑따위 잊어 버리면 그만이지. 泣きたいだけ 泣いたら 나키타이다케 나이타라 울고 싶을만큼 울어버리고 나면 目の前に違うの愛が 메노마에니 치가우노아이가 눈 앞에 또다른 사랑이 見えてくるかもしれないと 미에테쿠루카모시레나이토 나카날지도 모르는거지요.~ そんな強がりを 言ってみせるのは 소은나츠요가리오 잇테미세루노와 이렇게 강하게 말해 보는것은 あなたを忘れるため 아나타오 와스레루 타메 바로,당신을 잊기 위한것이랍니다, さびしすぎて こわれそうなの 사비시스키데 코와레소오나노 너무나 외로워서 부서질것만 같아요 私は愛の難破船 와타시와 아이노 난파센 나는야 사랑의 난파선, 折れた翼 広げたまま 오레타 츠바사 히로게타마마 부러져버린 날개를 펼쳐진채로 あなたの上に 落ち.. 2006. 10. 13.
米米CLUB - 浪漫飛行 "逢いたい"と思うことが何よりも大切だよ "아이타이"토오모우코토가나니요리모타이세츠다요 "만나고싶다"고생각하는것이무엇보다도소중해요 苦しさの裏側にあることに眼を向けて 쿠루시사노우라가와니아루코토니메오무케테 괴로움의뒷면에있는것에눈을돌려서 夢をみてよどんな時でも 유메오미테요돈나토키데모 꿈을보아요어떤때에라도 全てはそこから始まるはずさ 스베테와소코카라하지마루하즈사 모든것은그것으로부터시작되는거죠 君と出逢ってからいくつもの夜を語り明かした 키미토데앗테카라이쿠츠모노요루오카타리아카시타 그대와만나면서부터얼마나많은밤을밝혀왔나요 はちきれるほど my dream 하치키레루호도 my dream 터질만큼의 my dream トランク1つだけで浪漫飛行へ in the sky 토랑쿠히토츠다케데로만히코-에 in the sky 트렁크한가득의낭만비행으로 in t.. 2006. 10. 13.